About ten days ago, I looked out the back window of the trailer and to my utter disbelief, this is what I saw. For all those skeptics out there who did not believe me when I said we'd be in the house by the time the snow flies, you were right. We should have made it but I think Ross pissed off the weather gods once again. It is Hallowe'en night and I am finally getting this, my twentieth blog posted. It has been a hellish week...fitting for this occasion. The day started off with a devilish turn. Another winter wonderland with extremely large flakes coming down in a blinding torrent. (maybe a slight exaggeration but not much) Poor Papa Smurf, ready to leave for his winter slumber in Florida, had to finish the front gable in this ghastly weather. Friday was bitter cold with heavy winds and only yesterday was somewhat bearable for him. We thank him and mom for all the help. For those who might be wondering if the author of this post is Ross....shake your head....it is not. My heart procedure was a success and I am better than the original model (as far as my wiring goes). It was a very weird experience having someone doping you up with enough drug (a drip with potency of expresso x6) to make you shake uncontrollablly and your heart race. I could actually feel the burning of the heart tissue when they located the accessory pathway and zapped it with the catheter. The best part was the two days following when Ross took care of me and I was able to relax. So we are not living in the trailer....but that's for you to figure out where.

We have begun the board and batten siding since working inside has stopped due to drywall/taping. Check out that snow. The siding looks a wee bit strange because Ross has started and worked on it in three different places, depending on where the wind is blowing. Ross has been a bear. He hates the wind and it is making him crazy...very crazy!!!

It is fab that we have our garage doors on finally. We have security and warmth. Sorry ladies, I know I promised lots of pics of the cutie pie who installed the doors, but my #&%$ing camera decided on this day to shit the bed again. You'll just have to get your own doors installed to enjoy the scenery.

Stairs into the house from the garage. The paint bucket wasn't quite doing the job.

Remember this lovely pile of scrap?? Well it's all gone and so is the picture showing all the work I did cleaning it up. No one is ever gonna believe I've done a lick of work.

The last of the bricking on the back gable.

Ross painted two boards and I painted the rest but you'd never know that now would you. Ross is always to busy to take any pictures of me working and when he does...don't tell him I said this but he is a lousy photographer.

Drywall and taping are finished and we get back to work inside doing all the finishing.

Another view from up top. I believe there was 20 boxes of mud and around 10,000 board feet used to finished the house.

And here is Ross spraying the primer. I did my two days of priming with a roller...because I am a) stupid b) unable to use a sprayer or c) untrustworthy with paint under pressure. All three really and I had to prime all the areas that are not spray worthy like around the brick walls and in the crawl spaces. Of course, when the sprayer malfuctioned, it was I who was nailed with primer under pressure in the face (in my eye, up my nose, ear...you get the picture).

Mom rolling the primer on the board and batten. Shortly after this picture was taken. A can of primer exploded on me. What's with that... for most people they need to pry the lid off but for me....the lid magically flies off at the most unfortunate time. Second time in three days I am covered in paint. Yes...I am whinning ....and???

Jake has decided that climbing ladders is the greatest thing in the world....climbing down....not so great.

Ross taking a little time out of his day to play twister. "Right hand on first tile......". And now, anyone for a game of leap frog??

"Did someone yell beer break?

Mom telling Ross how to lay slate and Ross giving her the finger.
Construction Workers of 2010
IntroducingMr. November
Papa Smurf
Slower than a boat to China. More powerful than a butterfly. Able to pee off a building in a single stream. Look! Up in the sky. It's a bird. It's a plane. It's Masonman.
Papa Smurf is a true artist at his craft whether he is laying brick, painting portraits or spelling his name in the snow. As you can see he wears his wife's purple hat to show his support for gay and lesbian rights and because his ears are really really cold. He is a renaissance man born in the bullring of liverpool and living each day to the fullest in an ongoing attempt to appease his wife so as not to be yelled at too often. He is rich in spirit yet poor in wallet but that's a good thing since he is forever losing it ( the wallet that is). Enjoy your winter in Florida Masonman and may the Golf gods favour your sorry ass.