Friday, September 24, 2010

We Are Framed!!!

Construction Workers of 2010
Mr. September
Jake the Snake

Jakey loves to involve himself in all areas of construction. Like most supervisers, he is constantly interferring in the work of others while not really accomplishing any work of his own. We do credit him with arriving on the site bright and early but he tends to nap for much longer then union rules allow. Jakey doesn't drink on the job like alot of "non-paid" helpers and has yet to complain about the working conditions. There has been some sexual harassment concerning a particular feline employee . Human resources is investigating the incidences.

It is very hard to see but if you look really, really close you can see Grant has brought another one of his infamous tools to the schoolhouse. It's his tape measure from his Little Tykes Tool Set. His philosophy is "measure once, cut four times", but we love him all the same.
Tells Us About Your Tool Pouch

This is Rob the electrician. Yes ladies, Mr. Three-way in the flesh. Don't let that sweet smile fool you...he only has one thing on his mind...and he certainly isn't afraid to ask. As you can see, Rob like to wear a two pouched tool allows him to keep alot of tools at his disposal AND keep his hands free to pull his wire.
This is Ed, you met him last blog. I wasn't trying to exploit him by taking this one from behind.......umm...but you can plainly see, Ed prefers the three pouch, large tool belt. I'm not sure, but I think there must be some really special tool he keeps back there because it has some heavy duty cow hide protection.
This is Sir Ross of the Baggy Pants. Ross is a simple man with simple needs (it explains me as his wife). His tool belt consists of just one pouch. He hangs to the left but that's kinda private so keep it to yourselves. He's a man who prefers a power tool in his grasp, I think he finds them more satisfying. we have Mr. August. Grant also has a one pouch tool belt. Strangely, he wears his front and centre between his legs. I could speculate on why he chose this style.......but anything I say would be interpreted in the wrong way because you are all preverted aren't you!!!!

As promised....stairs. These are special because they go up and down. Neat eh!!
This is Sammy. He works with Ross. He spent the morning screwing the floors. He needed a little time to himself....I have nothing else to say.
The upstairs master bedroom. All clean and ready for insulation.
Pot lights are installed along both sides of the main room cathedral ceiling. We'll be lite up like a landing strip. "Speedbird 20 ...clear for take off runway 23".
I got to spend the weekend being a bricklayer's lacky. We (mom and I) lifted about 200 brick and 4 triple batches of mortar by bucket to the top of the scaffold.
Here I am mixing a batch of mortar. The boss said I did a good job. It's alot harder then making cookies, but I really don't know for sure....I don't make cookies.
Mom filling the bucket with mortar. Look at that crazy hair...remember the troll dolls we used to get...he he...she's a tough cookie and she has a trucker mouth. Shhh...don't tell her I said that.
Papa Smurf working on his dance moves while having a break from laying brick.
This is Ross working on the front wall. You can see how big the wall is OR how little Ross's up to you how you want to see it. He has two ladders and a scaffold that he travelled across. Where's my first aid kit???
These are loaner propane tanks. Have you ever heard of such a ridiculous thing. I've been waiting for almost three weeks for my propane so I could shower and this is what they brought. Unfortunately, they didn't bring the venting for the hot water tank so I had to wait another 4 days before I could shower. After my first shower, I had a moment, a few tears...for the first time the schoolhouse felt like
a home. It was a great shower.
The last brick on the back gable.
Mr. September helping level the pot lights in the eaves.
And here he is inspecting the trusses.
How many air traffic controllers does it take to lift a 150lb cast iron school bell onto a two storey roof. Answer: two (both totally insane)
They actually did it....who needs a boom truck?