Sunday, August 15, 2010

Well....we have a...well.

It's been nine days since my last post, which Ross kindly reminds me. I've been too exhausted at night to task my brain with silly comments on our progress. We have had a very busy couple of weeks with framing, demolition and lining up our trades. The shingles are almost complete and in the morning the new heating system is going in. We spent the morning cleaning up the last of the mess in the basement and finishing the demolition on the front bathroom. After tomorrow, we hope to have all demolition finished. On the accident front, Ross has another ouchy. There's no great story here; he just poured boiling water on his foot causing second degree burns. (he was preparing his bucket bath at the time...the water from the hose is a little cold for his liking) It is healing nicely but we are running our first aid supplies down so NO MORE ACCIDENTS!!!!

The well drillers arrived at 6am too start drilling our well. You can see the lights are on and the fog is in the air. I loved the overalls with the matching red shirts and hardhats. Very cool haute coutre guys. Our well is 28 feet with 5gpm. Going any lower puts us "in the crappy clay". Sorry to Rob for ripping him off $20, I misread the amount.( It's here waiting for you) I lost my glasses and am unofficially blind. (I got a real ugly pair at the dollar store for $3, but I can now see to write my blog)

Ross pretending to fall off the roof OR celebrating almost completing the roof. The trusses were F%$#ed up again on the dormers.

Very cool picture of our cathedral

Camping out is wonderful but all summer/fall, it gets a little tiring. I haven't showered in 3 weeks?( I have bucket bathed each night) I know how the people on survivor feel when they win reward of a hot shower....Ahhh!
This is our collection of demo lumber and trash. Most of the lumber is waiting for de-nailing if anyone is interested???? You can play on the
slide too if you want.

I love spuds. Thanks too Shawn for allowing us to dig up a few to eat from the back field.

Ross is working on building a new bell tower in his free time.

Here is the frame of the bell tower roof. Ross thought it looked like a dradle and tried too spin didn't work so well, go figure. Now he has to carry it up on the roof.

The bell before.

The bell after being cleaned and painted. It's twenty inches across the base, sounds sweet but is damn heavy.

The bathroom is mostly demo-ed. The urinal and sink are dismantled so we are now left with a toilet and a hose outside. Unfortunately,in the next week we will only have a hose. Uh,Oh.

Construction Workers of 2010
Mr. August

Grant enjoys helping others and believes that some day there will be world peace and Coors light will flow from Niagra Falls.
Grant's tool pouch contains an emergency supply of rasperry delight flavoured condoms, a 5/8ths socket wrench and his "girlie" hammer which he is always willing to share.
He keeps people guessing with questions like"How straight am I ?"
In his time off of swinging the old hammer, Grant can be found pulling planes and spending time at his cottage on "Holy Vomitus Road.

All shingled and even a few windows installed.

The big window went in smoothly when we took out all the glass and slide it up the 2x6's by rope.

What's a posting without the kitties. They aren't too happy living in the trailer either.