Friday, September 24, 2010

We Are Framed!!!

Construction Workers of 2010
Mr. September
Jake the Snake

Jakey loves to involve himself in all areas of construction. Like most supervisers, he is constantly interferring in the work of others while not really accomplishing any work of his own. We do credit him with arriving on the site bright and early but he tends to nap for much longer then union rules allow. Jakey doesn't drink on the job like alot of "non-paid" helpers and has yet to complain about the working conditions. There has been some sexual harassment concerning a particular feline employee . Human resources is investigating the incidences.

It is very hard to see but if you look really, really close you can see Grant has brought another one of his infamous tools to the schoolhouse. It's his tape measure from his Little Tykes Tool Set. His philosophy is "measure once, cut four times", but we love him all the same.
Tells Us About Your Tool Pouch

This is Rob the electrician. Yes ladies, Mr. Three-way in the flesh. Don't let that sweet smile fool you...he only has one thing on his mind...and he certainly isn't afraid to ask. As you can see, Rob like to wear a two pouched tool allows him to keep alot of tools at his disposal AND keep his hands free to pull his wire.
This is Ed, you met him last blog. I wasn't trying to exploit him by taking this one from behind.......umm...but you can plainly see, Ed prefers the three pouch, large tool belt. I'm not sure, but I think there must be some really special tool he keeps back there because it has some heavy duty cow hide protection.
This is Sir Ross of the Baggy Pants. Ross is a simple man with simple needs (it explains me as his wife). His tool belt consists of just one pouch. He hangs to the left but that's kinda private so keep it to yourselves. He's a man who prefers a power tool in his grasp, I think he finds them more satisfying. we have Mr. August. Grant also has a one pouch tool belt. Strangely, he wears his front and centre between his legs. I could speculate on why he chose this style.......but anything I say would be interpreted in the wrong way because you are all preverted aren't you!!!!

As promised....stairs. These are special because they go up and down. Neat eh!!
This is Sammy. He works with Ross. He spent the morning screwing the floors. He needed a little time to himself....I have nothing else to say.
The upstairs master bedroom. All clean and ready for insulation.
Pot lights are installed along both sides of the main room cathedral ceiling. We'll be lite up like a landing strip. "Speedbird 20 ...clear for take off runway 23".
I got to spend the weekend being a bricklayer's lacky. We (mom and I) lifted about 200 brick and 4 triple batches of mortar by bucket to the top of the scaffold.
Here I am mixing a batch of mortar. The boss said I did a good job. It's alot harder then making cookies, but I really don't know for sure....I don't make cookies.
Mom filling the bucket with mortar. Look at that crazy hair...remember the troll dolls we used to get...he he...she's a tough cookie and she has a trucker mouth. Shhh...don't tell her I said that.
Papa Smurf working on his dance moves while having a break from laying brick.
This is Ross working on the front wall. You can see how big the wall is OR how little Ross's up to you how you want to see it. He has two ladders and a scaffold that he travelled across. Where's my first aid kit???
These are loaner propane tanks. Have you ever heard of such a ridiculous thing. I've been waiting for almost three weeks for my propane so I could shower and this is what they brought. Unfortunately, they didn't bring the venting for the hot water tank so I had to wait another 4 days before I could shower. After my first shower, I had a moment, a few tears...for the first time the schoolhouse felt like
a home. It was a great shower.
The last brick on the back gable.
Mr. September helping level the pot lights in the eaves.
And here he is inspecting the trusses.
How many air traffic controllers does it take to lift a 150lb cast iron school bell onto a two storey roof. Answer: two (both totally insane)
They actually did it....who needs a boom truck?

Monday, September 13, 2010

What I'm Really Thankful For

It has been almost three months since we lived in the big house ( but not that big house). Ross and I on occasion look frightening similar to the couple depicted in the above cartoon. The scruffy beard, flies, trashcan and most importantly the alcohol in hand seems awfully familiar. It's been a long time since I've been comforted by my "stuff". Last week, I went to visit the stortage containers in hope of locating a few items...this turned out to be a big waste of time. I feel very disassociated from my stuff. In the trailer, I have a couple laundry baskets of clothes, my basic toiletries, my meds and my book (The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest). I really don't know where everything else is and I really don't care. That's the great part of this adventure, you realize what's important and what to be thankful for. So I'm gonna tell you. If your here just for the photos, scroll down a way, but if you want to read some sappy shit...go for it.

I'm thankful for...

My girls. Nicole is a treasure. She has such a great enthusiasum for learning and an infectious energy. I love when she sings for me and our time spent together watching wickedly weird movies. She is beautiful and smart and there is nothing better then when she laughs hysterically. One day she will rule the world...mark my words!!
Christina has a wonderful child-like spirit that I hope she never grows out of. She also has a very wise gentle soul and is a bundle of crazy. She is beautiful and yes you are extremely smart!!!! She is going to be a fabulous teacher someday and an incredible mother.
I am so very proud of them both!! I miss them a whole bunch.
I am the luckiest woman in the world because I have the most talented husband who can do almost anything and do it very well. He works crazy hard and has given up soooo much golf this summer but I know he does it because he wants me to have the home I dream about. Cheers sweetie and stay safe :)
We have great friends and family who have helped us during this scorching summer and given up of their time so we can have this wonderful place to live. You know who you are appreciated!!!
Thanks to the neighbours who have welcomed us into their community and watched us rebuild their schoolhouse. I hope we do it justice.
Thanks to all the trades that have worked on our project and have shown up as promised and done great work. Sorry for any inappropriate humour....well....not's who I am....and I've seen you all pee (your so obvious).
And oh yeah....I'm thankful for my toilet, as you all already know.
So your probably wondering why I'd pick this picture to post and what is it's significance.'s a landing. It's a little hard to get to and to leave but it is progress. Someday very soon(tomorrow) there will be stairs that will take you to it. No more ladders...see it is significant. Something else to be thankful for....don't ever take your stairs for granted cause someday you might not have them and then where would you be. Something to think about.

It's a wee bit hard to see but this is my back door. The electrician asked if I wanted a three-way there....I said yes.
I've finally removed all the brick for the windows and door on the back portion of the schoolhouse. I'm hoping to get the feeling back in my fingers soon.
There is wire strung everywhere. It's step closer.
The knee walls are all up in the bedroom loft. Why are they called knee walls. When I stand up against them it ain't my knees that touch the top one's knees would. They should be called "booby walls" or something like that.
This one of our electricians hanging our electrical boxes. He's the polite one...he didn't ask me about the you know what.
This is my front door. It's kinda cool seeing the cloud reflected in the glass. Ross tried to hang this door many times (he said alot of very bad words in the process).
I'm not going to tell you what's under this tarp and I can't show you because it would scare the sh#%t out of you. It scares the s#%t out of me, that's why it's so wonderful that I now have a toilet (I promise I won't mention the "toilet" ever again). Fingers crossed :P

Monday, September 6, 2010

You know you're a redneck when you have a toilet on your front lawn AND none in your house/trailer!

Most of you have probably heard about our hardships the last couple of weeks and our dilemma caused by the lack of hot water...then lack of a toilet and finally the lack of any running water. I do not suggest this particular mode of living unless you are planning on committing some actions that will not be discussed here (my daughters would slaughter me or as they say "murder my face". We have learned some valuable lessons. One of which is Walmart has very poor ply tp (Ross rates it a 2/10) and the longer you go without facilities the more you worship the great porcelain throne. That's all I can say online but in person I have some great stories for those none too prudish. For those who haven't heard the great news...WE HAVE A TOILET, running water but as yet no hot water. We hope for the luxury sometime this week; we are just waiting for the propane tank to arrive.
The girls are now off to university ...yah!!!! It has been impossible living four adults and two cats in our 17 foot trailer. The trailer has been wall to wall baskets of clothes, food, laundry, kitty litter and technology. We have two oulets (four females) and our electronics are as follows 4 cell phone chargers, 3 laptops, 2 ipod chargers, 1 all-in-one printer, 1 internet hub, 1 cordless phone, 1 stereo, 1 lamp, 1 fan (for hot days), 1 heater (for the cold ones), a toaster, a kettle, a microwave, a bar fridge, and an alarm clock for a total of 21. We have a power bar with an unruly tangle of black cords that we rotate as needed, I am suprised we haven't blown a transformer or other hydro thing-a-maggy. The last two nights Ross has been voted out of the trailer to sleep in a tent. (he actually voted for himself). The girls are now sleeping on real beds and enjoying all the wonderful amenities of the priviledged.

This is our shiny new propane furnace and ducting. It's so beautiful.

This is our water tank. It is so tiny but beautiful. This will bring water to the hot water tank that will bring hot water to the shower that will be the most wonderful shower in the entire world. (This is so pathetic eh?)

"Now for something completely different" (Monty Python). I found these weights behind the trim of the large window on south side of the building. They are 7 lb "pig iron" on rope used to help raise the windows. I guess the people were very weak back then or the mechanisms were primative to our windows today ....I wonder...hmmmm....

These are just a few of them....any suggestions for a use?

Ross is admiring his 2x4. We are framing up the front entrance, powder room and laundry. The existing walls are double brick so this will allow for insulation and drywall of course.

A view of the back. I've removed the brick for the second floor window and patio doors.

A view from the inside looking out from the main floor.

Framing is complete. Notice the toilet is gone. The beginning of a rough two weeks.

Just a pretty sunset. You learn to enjoy the things you take for granted when you are without a toilet.

The window and door are installed and papa smurf is back to work.

This is Fred. This is Fred watching Brian. This is Brian hooking up the septic. We like Brian. We like Fred. We like toilets. plumber butt....ahhhh

A view of our master bedroom. In a few months, the sun will blast through these windows at 6am and I will still love them....I hope.

This is the master bath and my claw foot tub. I was so tempted to fill it up with water from the hose. I dream of the future when I will lay in hot bubbly water surrounded by candlelight and a nice glass of cianta.

This is Christina's bathroom and shower. Next week we hope to use it.

This is Christina's room all framed and ready for wiring, insulation and drywall

Jakey loves construction. He follows around the trades and likes to supervise/get in the way.

Finishing off the septic bed.

The septic system is finished, the tank is seen from the second floor. You know what that means.....a toilet!

Our smiling plumber who was so kind to hook up our toilet for us. We love Brian. He is our hero. Cheers Brian....muah!

Nikki's elation is shared by all of us.