Thursday, April 29, 2010

A Windy Day in Hell

Here we are in our hazmat suits....we kinda look like "Canadian Gothic".We're hoping to get our permit application in tomorrow. Another delay on Monday occurred because we didn't have our stamped truss drawing. It's always something.

Our most disgusting job thus far is the removal of the ceiling insulation. We had a quote for $1800-2300 plus about $500 for dumping fees. I thought it was a s*%t load of money we decided to do it ourselves. (well Ross wasn't as keen ...I'm the cheap one). We figured we could use the leaf blower/vaccuum, attach a long dryer vent hose, drop a sonotube through the ceiling and have me fill garbage bags with the insulation. It was a good idea in theory. In practise, it macerated the insulation into a fine dust the blew through the tube into the bag, out of the bag, up in the air and rained down on top of me from every angle. DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME!!!!! So we adapted our plan and just shovelled the crap down through the holes in the ceiling into a giant pile and after the dust settled, we shovelled it into bags. PRESTO!!! 10 hours later.....job accomplished!!! That's like paying ourselves $230/hour. TAKE THAT POWER VAC...ha ha. It was a dirty job and the dead birds...and I'm talking big birds....numbered at least 100-200 totaly freaked me out.

This our home away from home at our future home...or something like that. I call it the "igloo". We spent our first night in it on Monday. It was friggin' just above zero that night. Thinking the end of April would be somewhat warm(should have known better) I only took a couple of light blankets...we froze our asses off and Ross froze his poor little bald head off. Next day, after a nice hot coffee, Ross went into town and purchased a heater. Best sixteen dollars we've spent in a long time. Although the igloo was nice and warm the next night, the wind continued to howl at a good 50km an hour....there was some bitchin' rockin' all night long. It continued the next day....we tried to cook a nice breakfast on the bbq but couldn't get any heat from the burner. We haven't put up the canopy tent either because of the strength of the wind.

One of the many carved names in the schoolhouse brick. This is David Alder(wordy)? dated 1912. David carved his name in a few different places. This is one of the oldest. They date up to 2009. The older ones are done in beautiful cursive. I wonder if the teachers back then punished the students for vandalizing the schoolhouse.

Where's Rossco?

Monday, April 19, 2010

Swingin' Edie At Recess

Ross and I were back to the schoolhouse this weekend in demolition mode. We made good progress on the front wall. With help from the Murphy family we took down the chalkboards. They ranged between 3/8th to a 1/2 inch thick slate. We are happy that one of the chalkboards will be hanging in the Murphy's new bakery down the road.

Guess what planet that I come from?'s just a joke. I don't need any smartass answers from any of you. Believe me, all that face apparatus is necessary. The dust and plaster coats and gets inside everything.
Cleaning up the insulation and plaster is the hard part but the smashing is actually invigorating and fun until a chuck of plaster smacks you in the face or a dead bird falls out of the wall on top of you. Unfortunately, there will be plenty of deadbirds, mice and bat when we start demolishing the ceiling.

Ross looks like he's surfing in this picture but I think he's just tossing a piece of lathe. "Hang Ten Dude" (this is for Nikki who thinks my blog is corny)This is the finished front wall. As you can see, there was a door in the centre and a window toward the right side. We are not sure when they were closed in but it happened prior to the chalkboards' installation. Some of the horizontal clapboards are 13 inches wide!!

Where's Rossco????

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Back to School

Elmgrove Schoolhouse 1897
Miss Banting
Ross and I have returned from our vacation to Florida and are ready to get back to work. We finally made contact with the NVCA and as predicted, we are required to apply from the more expensive $500 permit. So....hopefully in 2-3 weeks we will have a permit or a problem. Until then, we wait.

The cupboards on the back wall are now history. Ross enjoyed smashing them to pieces. We were hoping to find something interesting but so far only dusty roxul insulation and a dead bat. Power vac gave us a price to remove the blown in insulation in the attic. ...a shocking $1800-2300 plus $500 +/- . Okay, so I was shocked, Ross not so much. I'd rather spend the money on great appliances. So...we are going to give it a try ourselves. Next blog you will get to see us decked out in our hazmat suits!!

Here is proof that I actually do work. I don't really look this goofy .....or do I?

New Feature!!!!!!!!
Where's Roscoe????

Play along and find Ross in the picture. If you find him comment with his locale. Good luck